Listing of /albums/BushWalks/FlintAndSteel1/

1 01 It's a long way down! 580k 2564.8 days 38dfcce9c063e3ddcabfe702c2e46d749feea32b Only (ha ha) a 230m descent!
2 02 Nice gentle start. 585k 2564.8 days 6e0e8ee28a4c3b87040102a6f1a7568d3ba402bd No steep bits yet.
3 03 Getting steeper now. 863k 2564.8 days e03cf5310c6b53f1637548ab37e6a139f0091d3a Still not too bad though.
4 04 Still a long way down. 360k 2564.8 days 4e488cf5a3d48c9ef3e65ce042403160a9bf6912 But the destination can at least be seen now.
5 05 Spectacular rocks. 542k 2564.8 days fb7f6ec9b013970691fcc05d9305ddd495c2e891 These ones are precariously balanced.
6 06 Decision time. 614k 2564.8 days 1bc339d8afb9df74ecff57ed8ec10fde58397d7e Off to the beach, for sure.
7 07 Our destination. 730k 2564.8 days 7abf5f14f9432191ea7f359b66a6f0114229d96d Looks inviting.
8 08 Getting closer. 421k 2564.8 days f63fe62d813e176031dc4f3879216714cbbc54c7 Looks very inviting.
9 09 Almost there. 460k 2564.8 days 78c231de198fb5ce8d4502cf9025ec9a3b6b4b09 Thank goodness!
10 10 We made it. 977k 2564.8 days c95dbaae70e9ce89802035737a5dbba2c1f9a841 And it's the right place.
11 11 Knackered cave dwellers. 499k 2564.8 days 46cdb9349cc2863cca7e573e447e2e1a2c3e7358 Wait until the return trip!
12 12 Brilliant sandstone 535k 2564.8 days d708944dedbe48f7a4c276908fa9acec47cedb16 Superb exposed rock formations.
13 13 Looking back. 468k 2564.8 days 4966609681741c2bb6a41165d4c4d2b657194aad View from the other side of the beach.