is registered with GoDaddy. Our customer number is 2666418.

Current domain details ex GoDaddy account management.

The screenshot shows our current registration details at GoDaddy. Our next payment (US$9 per annum at current rates) is due in December 2005. Until then there is no need to login to GoDaddy. When the time comes:

  1. Login to GoDaddy Account Management
  2. Click the Domain Names drop down
  3. Select Manage Domains
  4. Make sure is selected
  5. Click Renew Now
  6. Follow the instructions to pay by credit card

Our domain is registered with GoDaddy but web page and email redirection is handled by ZoneEdit

Unless there is a need to change from FastMail to another email provider, or to add, remove, or change web page pointers, there is no requirement to login to ZoneEdit. If the need should arise:

  1. Read the Zonedit Help/FAQ
  2. Login to ZoneEdit A/C Mgmt

MX (email) records are already set up correctly to point to FastMail and the current WebForward definitions are self documenting examples of what can be done.

Mail for our domain is managed by FastMail